Add My Link

This pertains to only the right-hand column labeled “Pike Links”.

Rules as of 5/10/2023

1. Businesses/Homeowners associations/organizations must be in Pike Township.
2. Businesses/Homeowners Associations/organizations must be in good standing with Business and Neighborhood Services, and Health Department, and be a good neighbor.
3. Businesses/Homeowners Associations/organizations must join PTRA and be ongoing members. (Membership applications can be found here) The link will remain on the website unless the link no longer works. Any links on the “Pike Links” column that don’t work will be removed.
4. All existing links will be grandfathered and not removed as of 5/31/2023.
5. You may fill out the form below, but your link will not be added until your membership application has been filled out and the membership fee received.

A Membership form can be found HERE

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