Coffee With A Cop – January 2nd

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Please join us on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018 for Coffee with a Cop. We will be at the McDonald’s 6830 W. 38th St from 09:00 – 10:00a.m. Commander Jefferson and his Administrative Staff will be there to listen to your questions, concerns & suggestions over a cup of coffee. We hope you can attend and please invite a neighbor to attend with you.

Thank you

Sgt. Matthew Grimes

Click Picture to enlarge


Mayor Joe Hogsett joined the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) today to announce a fund matching program for community-based organizations that want to share the cost of infrastructure improvements.

The Indy Neighborhood Infrastructure Partnership will award nonprofit community-based organizations matching funds for neighborhood projects that could include sidewalks, street resurfacing, multi-use paths and bridges.

Beginning December 15, the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works will accept proposals for 2018 projects under the matching fund award program. The application is downloadable at DPW will review all proposals, and accepted projects may receive up to $1.5 million in matching project funding. Applications are recommended to share the costs of projects by 50 percent or more.

Each proposal will be reviewed by DPW based on several criteria, including financial and construction feasibility, connectivity as well as community support.

Proposals are due by March 1, 2018, and accepted projects will be scheduled for construction in the same year.

On October 9, the Indianapolis City-County Council passed Mayor Joe Hogsett’s 2018 budget, which included more than $120 million for infrastructure improvements. As part of that budget, the City of Indianapolis and the Department of Public Works will award up to $4 million in matching funds to accepted projects that meet the criteria of the Indy Neighborhood Infrastructure Partnership.


The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) and Indy Parks are teaming up to help recycle live Christmas trees for the city’s residents.

Starting Tuesday, December 26 and running through Wednesday, January 31, trees without any decorations can be dropped off at the following Indy Parks locations. Trees must be free of tinsel, lights, tree stands and all other decorative materials in order to recycle them properly. Trees can be dropped off from dawn to dusk.
Drop-off locations for 2017-18 Christmas tree recycling are as follows:

• Broad Ripple Park (1610 Broad Ripple Ave.) south lot
• Ellenberger Park (5301 E. St. Clair St.) east of pool in main parking lot
• Garfield Park (2432 Conservatory Drive) MacAllister Center
• Gustafson Park (3110 Moller Road) near the front entrance
• Krannert Park (605 S. High School Road) north parking lot
• Northwestway Park (5253 W. 62nd St.) near the recycling bins

• Perry Park (451 E. Stop 11 Road) soccer field parking lot
• Riverside Park (2420 E. Riverside Drive) tennis court parking lot
• Sahm Park (6801 E. 91st St.) soccer field parking lot

The Indianapolis tree recycling program diverts waste from landfills and the waste-to-energy facility. This service recycles trees for sustainable landscaping resources, such as mulch and soil blends.

The Christmas tree recycling program is NOT for commercial use, and is intended solely for residents of Marion County.

Please respect our parks and do not dispose of anything other than trees during this time. A list of other options for disposal at a minimal fee are included below:

The Southside Landfill
2561 Kentucky Avenue
Monday through Friday, 5:00 AM – 12:00 AM, Saturday 5:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Open during the holidays with the exception of Christmas Day and New Year’s Day

Citizens Transfer Station
2324 S Belmont Avenue
Open every Saturday, from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

IMPD to Create E-Commerce Exchange Zones at District Headquarters

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) has created an “E-Commerce Exchange Zone” at each district headquarters and encourages community members to use the front parking lots or lobby (if available) when meeting people to complete their online purchases and transactions.

As more people conduct private business transactions online, there has been a nationwide increase in crime with respect to these transactions. Therefore, IMPD is taking a proactive approach to deter crime by creating an Online Purchase Safe Zone, or “E-Commerce Zone.” In an attempt to reduce the likelihood of citizens falling victim to scams or more serious crimes; IMPD has designated the front parking lot or lobby (if available) as the Online Purchase Safety Zone. These areas are under 24-hour video surveillance.

Citizens who are conducting private business transactions by answering newspaper advertisements, or through online retailers such as E-Bay, Craigslist, OfferUp, Facebook etc. can finalize their business transactions in a safe place. While law enforcement officials will not be involved in verification, monitoring or facilitating the private transactions, this program is designed to provide a known, well-lit and secure location to conduct business. Citizens can request the other person to meet at this E-Commerce Zone, but if the other party declines, then chances are it is a sign of “buyer beware.”

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department is not reacting to any one specific incident, but rather taking a pro-active approach to provide a location where the citizens can feel safe meeting an unknown individual to conduct their private transaction.

Google Map

Northwest District Headquarters – 3821 Industrial Boulevard
Lobby Open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Closed Holidays)

*Parking is limited. Do not park on the main drive on the north side of the building. *

Northwest Police Station

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department strictly prohibits the following transactions:
Illegal transactions, including, but not limited to: contraband, narcotics, illegal substances, stolen property, or other illegal items and/or exchanges
Transactions involving firearms, firearms parts, ammunition or explosives
Large, bulky items that would disrupt the operations of the police facility
The delivery of any packages or goods to these facilities on behalf of a purchaser

The Police Department’s video surveillance operates 24-hours a day and anyone using the “E-Commerce Exchange Zone” is subject to being recorded. This service requires no prior authorization or police response.

IMPD Northwest District Task Force Meeting – Wednesday, December 6th @ 6:00p.m.

Please join us on Wednesday, December 6th @ 6:00p.m for our Northwest District Task Force Meeting. We are meeting at the Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center 2990 W. 71st Street (71st / Michigan Rd) The Pike Township Fire Department will be our featured speaker. They will discuss Holiday Fire Safety. We hope you can join us and please invite a neighbor to attend with you.

Thank you
Sgt. Matthew Grimes

Click Here For Task Force Meeting Flyer

2017 Leaf Collection Schedule – Marion County

The Department of Public Works conducts its annual Leaf Collection Program to help citizens dispose of large numbers of leaves each Fall.


• Each household is permitted 40 bags of leaves for weekly disposal.
• Place leaves in large plastic trash bags and place near your regular trash cart.
• Place the leaf bags out by 7 a.m. on your regular trash day.
• Keep all leaf bags at least three feet away from cart collection areas to ensure trucks can service the carts.

1. When is DPW conducting leaf pickup this year?
November 6 — December 1, 2017

2. How many bags am I allowed to leave out for pickup each week?
Residents may leave out up to 40 bags of leaves for pickup each week.

3. Should I use paper or plastic when bagging leaves?
DPW recommends plastic bags for leaf collection. Paper bags can deteriorate and break apart in wet weather making leaf collection by solid waste crews more difficult.

4. Do I place my leaves out on my regular trash pickup day?
Yes, residents should place leaves out for pickup on their regular trash pickup day.

More information at:

City of Indianapolis Trick-or-Treat Hours

Today, the City of Indianapolis announces trick-or-treat hours for Halloween and offers up tips to help trick-or-treaters stay safe.

Trick-or-treat hours in Indianapolis will be from 6 – 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31. IMPD will have extra patrols and enforcement in neighborhoods during these times to protect the safety of residents during Halloween festivities.

Trick-or-treaters can also receive treats from their neighborhood public safety professionals at:
• All IFD Fire Stations from 6-8 p.m.
• IMPD Southeast District Headquarters located at 1150 Shelby St from 3-7 p.m.

A map of all participating locations is attached.

If you are joining in this year’s trick-or-treating fun, please consider the following safety tips:
• Wear light-colored clothing short enough to prevent tripping and add reflective tape
• Wear fire-resistant costumes
• Make sure children can see well through face masks
• Don’t wear masks or disguises into businesses
• Adults should accompany young children and children with special needs
• Go out in daylight hours if possible or carry a flashlight if you’ll be out after dark
• Motorists are reminded to slow down and be aware of their surroundings
• Only give and accept wrapped or packaged treats
• Examine all treats before allowing children to eat them. If you find a suspicious item, contact police as soon as possible at 327-3811; if injury is involved, dial 911
• Avoid props such as toy guns, which can look real
• Consider block parties instead of trick-or-treating
• Don’t fire guns – not only is this illegal, but what goes up, must come down
• Check the weather and have appropriate dress under costumes in the event of cold temperatures

Click here for map where you can receive treats from neighborhood public safety professionals

Don’t Miss Out – Seats are filling up quickly for the Personal Safety & Awareness Seminar on October 23rd @ 6:30p.m

Hurry, don’t miss your opportunity to reserve your seat for the Personal Safety & Awareness Seminar on Monday, October 23rd @ 6:30p.m. The Seminar will be held at Municipal Gardens (1831 Lafayette Rd.) Please call Kim Taylor @ 317-327-6572 to reserve your seat.

Thank you

Sgt. Matthew Grimes

Click here for flyer on event