Mayor Ballard Announces 56th Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project

Investment will Result in Improved Public Safety and Improved Connectivity

INDIANAPOLIS – Mayor Greg Ballard today announced the rehabilitation of the 56th Street bridge over Eagle Creek Reservoir. City-County Councillor Janice McHenry joined Mayor Ballard in announcing the 56th Street bridge project, which will be constructed by Janssen and Spaans Engineering Inc. and will cost approximately $1,154,400.

“Historically the City rehabilitates two to three bridges each year. The 56th Street bridge project is one of the 27 bridges we are rehabilitating through the RebuildIndy initiative this year alone,” said Mayor Ballard. “Thousands of motorists travel over our City’s bridges each day. Because of this, improvements to our bridges are more than just simple infrastructure improvements – they are a matter of public safety.

The improvements to the 56th Street bridge will include complete rehabilitation and replacement of the existing deck and railings. The project will coincide with other planned projects for the causeway across the reservoir, including a lift station, force main project and resurfacing project. Residents will notice better driving conditions and greater safety for area drivers and commuters.

“Knowing that in the past there were two to three bridges rehabilitated throughout the county and that this year there will be three bridges out of 27 repaired in my district is very exciting,” said Councillor McHenry. “These bridges are all long overdue for improvements. Knowing that at least one more bridge is scheduled for next year along with all of the repaving projects is such an improvement for this area of the city.”

Traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction during the construction project, which is expected to be completed in Fall 2011. For more information about the RebuildIndy program, visit To request a RebuildIndy project in your area, call the Mayor’s Action Center at (317) 327-4MAC (4622). Residents also may follow RebuildIndy project updates on Twitter via @RebuildIndy.

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